Art by: @dd3odraws

Regalo "Reg" Mew



Name: Regalo Mew
Race: Miqote
Age: 18 (ARR)
Height: 5'3"
Hair Color: Pink with Black
Notable Features: His spotted tail, facial scars and white face markings
Sexual Orientation: Gay


Regalo was born in the South Shroud to a native Keeper of the Moon female and a male Helion Hrothgar who escaped his service in the Imperial Army by crossing Baelsars Wall. Regalo was and still is a momma's boy through and through often spending his time accompanying his mother on her business and around Gridania. This led to him becoming quite sheltered and isolated from other children his age causing him to not have that many friends or know how to interact socially. His relationship with his father however was quite rocky over the years until his eventual death during the calamity. The Calamity left Regalo with his share of emotional and physical scars. Eventually after the years helping to recover from the Calamity he set off against his mothers wishes to become an adventurer by heading to Ul'dah and joining the Pugilists Guild.


Regalo is a kind soul who loves far too easily for his own good. He has the tendency to devote himself to those who care for him, feeling as he owes them for any kindness he receives and will put others first before himself feeling that he has to repay them or make it worth them being kind to him. This has sadly lead to him being taken advantage of for longer than he realized. This however does not mean he has no bite because once he realizes he has been wronged or someone he holds dear to him has been he will retaliate.

Upon first meeting Regalo many will find he is respectful and kind. However the closer and more comfortable he gets with a person the more open with them he will be. Eventually he will show his extremely playful and mischievous side where he will often crack jokes, tease and show a bit of sass towards his companions.
Regalo can also have a bit of a temper, he does his best to reign it in but it does have a tendency to slip if things fail to go his way or he has to deal with others or his own shortcomings not meeting his standards. In order to avoid saying the wrong things to people and to reign in his temper he will often go completely silent or distance himself in order to try and recollect himself. Thus leading to a bad habit of bottling up his more negative emotions and doing his best to not deal with his problems.


Kal'ur Exen

Picture by: @Shuufly

Kal'ur Exen is Regalo's partner and closest confidant.Meeting through the Scions of the Seventh Dawn they continued to work together throughout the years until eventually marrying each other upon their return to the source. Although often feeling unworthy of such love Regalo is swiftly assured each and every time of Kal'ur's affections. They are mostly found together however there are occasions where they will go off on their own to do their own tasks. Beware though this does not mean one is not close behind if trouble arises.

Lucas Draccell

Fun Facts

  • He was originally born as a Keeper of the Moon, however due to receiving Hraesvelgr's eyes he underwent physical changes resulting in him developing heterochromia and a Seeker-like appearance as well as some draconic as well

  • He is also half Hrothgar, his father originating from Bozja as a Noble/royal blood. He was conscripted into the Imperial Army

  • He has 3 facial scars, the one on his left cheek he received during the Calamity, the 2 on his right eye from Zenos in Rhalgr's Reach, and he also has a scar on his throat from the banquet at the end of ARR. He tends to cover it up with scarves or neck gear

  • Regalo has a tendency to ignore his problems and negative feelings, often bottling them up. He is very adverse to conflict between friends and will often get himself in bad positions trying to spare feelings or to run from his problems. Much to Kals chagrin. He also will flat out ignore people or divert the conversation.

  • He feels a massive disconnect with both Miqo'te and Hrothgar cultures as neither of his parents sought fit to raise him or educate him in them. This is a source of anxiety and shame for him.

  • While he is happy to carry on with a smile on his face in his duty as a WoL, he views the station as shackles keeping him from his truest desire for freedom

  • Feels that he often needs to serve a purpose or be useful to everyone, especially his comrades. He holds himself to an extremely high standard and constantly dreads the time when he'll, "Screw up" a relationship

  • His white facial markings are actually remnants from his near transformation into a lightwarden

  • Reincarnation of Icarus whom was best friends with Elidibus. This lead to many interesting encounters with the Ascian

  • Has trouble falling asleep but whenever he has free time you can find him either napping or eating

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Commissioned Art

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